Couples often ask, “what do we do if it’s raining on our wedding day?”. As someone who works for the most part in the West of Ireland, where is rains on average 200 days per year, I tell them not to worry about it. If I was to depend on the weather to get stunning wedding photographs, I would have to move country, or at the very least relocate to Dublin where the weather seems on average dryer at the very least! The multitude of rainy days on the west coast of Ireland forces you to be more creative; along with experience of having photographed hundreds of weddings, teaches you to be adaptable to changes weather and situations on a wedding day. In fact, you will get some of the nicest soft light on an overcast rainy day. Along with a nicely lit church porch, some hotel window light, a partially roofed Abbey, all work well. Light of course, becomes something to manipulate and a professional wedding photographer will also bring and create their own light for stunning wedding images. The potential of having all four seasons in one day at times, forces you to be more adaptable.
I have shot some of my nicest weddings on days where the heavens have opened, and more than one veil has caught the wind and tried to make a getaway. It falls to me to remain calm and think a few steps ahead, having some nice white umbrellas to hand and the always helpful car driver, videographer and groomsman. If your photographer has the experience, mother nature shouldn’t phase them and the last thing you will remember from your day is the rain and you will have your wonderful pictures to look back on. The key is choosing the right photographer.
Below are some wedding images that were created on rainy days.